Importance of cleaning your air ducts after home improvement

Have you ever thought…”I’m tired from all the improvement i just made to my house, why waste precious time and energy cleaning something like air ducts…?”
Ok, that thought may seem slightly exaggerated, but sadly enough, most homeowners either do not understand the importance of clean air ducts or they simply forget to have it done, which can be especially hazardous after a home improvement project.

Having dust particles float around in your air ducts can cause damage to your system, while keeping your air ducts clean can help extend the life of your system for years. When the ducts are covered with built up dust and debris the system needs to use more power in order to force the air through. This can result in needing to prematurely replace your system due to poor maintenance, which is not something that homeowners want to hear! . Also The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that removing as little as 0.4 inches of dust from cooling system coils will reduce your energy consumption up to 21 percent,putting more money in your pocket.

Along with the money you will save on your energy bill, cleaning  your air ducts after home improvement  also helps keep you and your family healthier. This is because if any moisture gets into your system, it could easily lead to the build up of mold. Even if there is no mold, your ducts could contain dirt, dust, pollen, animal dander, or really nasty things like insect remains or rodent droppings. Also,  If people in your home have breathing problems such as asthma or allergies, all those things hanging out in your air ducts  will only worsen things, and may increase the likely hood of you contracting an air-born illness.

This is just one of those unavoidable situations  you will have to deal with as a homeowner. You could take the ‘purist’ route and cut back on your home improvements, get rid of sparky or any other animals, stop smoking (at least inside the house), and purchase the high-end air filters to improve the quality of air in your home. Although, Home Improvement & Duct Cleaningsimply making sure your air ducts are cleaned out every now and then is just one great way to improve the air quality. Also, air filters still allow tiny dust particles through and are not a truly reliable way to keep your air clean.   The good news is that home maintenance is like a car, when taken care of properly it can produce many benefits and last a very, very long time.

To wrap it up, let’s review why regular air duct cleaning really is worth your time and energy

  • It produces a much finer quality of air
  • Extends the life of your system
  • Prevents illness
  • Recommended by most doctors
  • Kills pathogens
  • Great way to truly rid your house of any dust or debris after that great home improvement project,it really isn’t finished until you finish cleaning up right?
  • Makes dusting and cleaning in the future easier since your system can work more efficiently to help you


  • cleaner smell in your house
  • you’ll impress your neighbors with how well you take care of your home
  • best of all, you can keep sparky around!

This post brought to you by our friends at: Maryland home improvement

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